Funny Sms ( Page 2)

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31) You're like my asthma, you take my breath away. Like dandruff; I can't get you off my head. Like my car, you drive me crazy. Like dentures, I can't smile without you.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 166 - June 13, 2016
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32) SON: What is the difference between confidence and confidential? FATHER: I know that you are my son, that is confidence. Your friend is also my son, that is confidential!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 170 - June 13, 2016
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33) Honesty may be the best policy but there some people who don´t seem to think they can afford the best!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 103 - June 13, 2016
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34) Man says to his wife : Let me take apicture of your breasts, than I can always look at them. Wife : Let me take a picture of you penis, I will have it enlarged.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 160 - June 13, 2016
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35) Ques. -> Can a Kangaroo Jump Higher than the Eiffel Tower.?? ? Ans. : Yes, because the Eiffel Tower Can't Jump.. Think different...

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 134 - June 13, 2016
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36) Galileo used 2 study in smal lamp. Graham bell used 2 study in candle light. Shakspeare used 2 study in street light. I don't know why they didn't study at day time.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 165 - June 13, 2016
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37) This cat is cat a cat good cat way cat to cat keep cat a cat idiot cat buzy cat for cat 20 cat seconds cat! NOW READ IT WITHOUT SAYIN CAT!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 138 - June 13, 2016
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38) The judge boomed: Defendant, why are you telling me a completely different story from yesterday? DEFENDANT: Because you didn't believe what I said yesterday!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 157 - June 13, 2016
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39) One day Santas Girlfriend asks him, Darling, om our Engagement will you give me a RING?Santa:Ya sure, Give me ur Telephone No.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 126 - June 13, 2016
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40) AT 18 a lady is like a football, 22 men behind her, at 28 a basketball, 10 men behind her, at 38 a golf ball, 1 man behind her, at 48 a TT ball, 1 man pushing her to the other

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 175 - June 13, 2016
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41) My feelings for you are like the sea. " Wild and romantic ? " "No, they make me sick."

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 106 - June 13, 2016
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42) One out of four people is a chinese. If your father, your mother and your brother are not Chinese, it must be you.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 114 - June 13, 2016
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43) MAN: My family is like a nation. My wife is the minister of finance, my mother-in-law is the minister of war and my daugher is foreign secretary. CO- WORKER: Sounds interesting! And what is your position? MAN: I'm the people. All I do is pay!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 242 - June 13, 2016
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44) A couple drove down the highway just a quarrel. Some pigs were passing by the road. Wife asked: Relatives of yours? Husbandreplied: Yeah, in-laws!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 146 - June 13, 2016
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45) If you have no voice: SCREAM...... If you have no legs: RUN......... If you have no hope: INVENT…

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 99 - June 13, 2016
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46) Life is a paradox isn´t it ? What you want you don´t get. What you get you don´t enjoy. What is permanent is boring!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 119 - June 13, 2016
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47) Dhritarashtra said to his wife:Thanks for giving me 100 sons. She replied: If you were not blind, it would not have been possible!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 130 - June 13, 2016
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48) Why do I miss you? Because you make me smile. You are so kind. You are so sweet. You are very funny. And most of all, because you are not texting me any more. That's why.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 170 - June 13, 2016
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49) Indian earthquake kills 50 000! USA sending food. Australia sending clothes. Britain sending ...... ... Replacements!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 117 - June 13, 2016
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50) A frog phoned the psychic hotline and was told: You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you. FROG: This isgreat! Will I meet her in a party or what? PSYCHIC: No, next semester in her biology class!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 241 - June 13, 2016
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51) Doctors may be right when they tell us that garlic ensures a long and healthy life. But who wants to live that long and be so lonely?!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 134 - June 13, 2016
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52) You can buy gifts but not love. You can pretend smile but not happiness. You can lie to others but not to yourself. You can have another friend but not as cute as I am!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 168 - June 13, 2016
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53) MunnaBhai: Yaar yeh kutte poonch kyon hilate hain? Circuit: Common sense Bhai! Ab poonch kutte ko to nahin hila sakti na..!!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 124 - June 13, 2016
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54) Our friendship means a lot to me, that if we were the last people on a sinking ship and there's only one life vest, I'll..uhm.. ah.. eh..I'm gonna miss you for sure!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 165 - June 13, 2016
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55) BOSS: Do you believe in life after death? EMPLOYEE: Yes, sir. BOSS: Good, when you took leave for your grandma's funeral, she visited our office!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 145 - June 13, 2016
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56) Children who watch TV every night will go down in history not to mention arithmetic, geography and science!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 107 - June 13, 2016
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57) WIFE: How much do you love me? HUSBAND: Like Shahjahan WIFE: Wow! You mean you will build a Taj Mahal for me after die? HUSBAND: I have already booked a plot for you, the delay is from your side!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 195 - June 13, 2016
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58) This is your mobile operator we can see that you are too dump to use your mobile please put it on the floor and start jumping on it

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 131 - June 13, 2016
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59) Recession quote, 'A victim has no future, but a survivor does' In this slowdown whoever survives will last & come out as a winner. B patient

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 144 - June 13, 2016
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60) An American comedian said: Peoplf say New Yorkes can't get along. Not true. I saw 2 coplete strangers sharing a cab. One took the tyres and other took the stereo!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 162 - June 13, 2016
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