Insult Sms ( Page 2)

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31) Think well, Plan well, Do well, Sleep well, Play well, Laugh well and Throw your mobile also into well, Because you are not Messaging me Well!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 142 - June 13, 2016
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32) I Like 3 things: Pizza. Pepsi. & You. Pizza 2 eat. Pepsi 2 drink. & You 2 clean the table.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 98 - June 13, 2016
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33) Thanx 4ur support last year wth ur purchases v hv achieved gud sales pls continue ur kind support -M.D. Kohinoor Condom Small size division

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 139 - June 13, 2016
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34) Your network tariff has changed! Call charges are now calculated according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper! Congrats You can make free calls!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 148 - June 13, 2016
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35) Whenever i missU i vl read ur sms Whenever I want to see U , Ijst close my eyes Whenever I want to hear ur voice I throw stones at DOGs.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 136 - June 13, 2016
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36) Do u remember ur childhood? When u wen 2 a doll shop, stood infront of a doll n askd uncle! How much is that monkey doll shpkper replied that is a mirror my child -)

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 165 - June 13, 2016
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37) I saw U on ROAD today. U were lukin SO fine, Ur face SO divine, Ur walk SO perfect. My HEART started singing a Sweet Song: WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 144 - June 13, 2016
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38) what happend 2 ur mobile? i was trying 2 call u but i got this msg:welcome 2 da jungle network,da monkey u r trying 2 call is on tree.plz try later..

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 149 - June 13, 2016
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39) U r 70% sweet. U r 85% smart. U r 75% lover. U r 90% lucky. U r 100% good. So totally (70+85+75+90+100)=420. It means u r 420. I like 420

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 137 - June 13, 2016
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40) Ive been arrested 4 being the ugliest person,Can u come here n show them its a mistake?

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 87 - June 13, 2016
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41) Tipz To Beat Summer 1-Drink Lot Of Fresh Water 2-Cover Ur Head Wen Outside 3-Eat Vgetables But Most Important 4-Msg Me Daily Bcz Im so COOL.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 140 - June 13, 2016
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42) If some1 asks me wat is humanity, I wud sit next to u, Pull you close to me Put my arms around u and say proudly LOVING ANIMALS Thats humanity)

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 143 - June 13, 2016
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43) Sweet Insults- I Luv you! But ive got bad taste Dats a cute shirt.Wat did u do wit d rest of d table cloth. I wud lik 2 help u out-which way did u cme in?

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 154 - June 13, 2016
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44) Ive been arrested 4 being the ugliest person, Can u come here n show them its a mistake?

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 88 - June 13, 2016
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45) Love + Ship = Titanic. Dinosaur + Forest = Jurassic Park Arnold+ Gun = Terminator You + Your Smile = The mummy Returns..

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 120 - June 13, 2016
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46) Best SmS of 1947 . . . Was there any mobile at that time? Please Use your brain atleast once in your life time!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 111 - June 13, 2016
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47) Style of break up: Boy bought a gift for his Girlfriend. girl:What the hell would I do with this rocket? Boy: you wanted stars na? Now sit on it and GET LOST...

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 160 - June 13, 2016
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48) From Moon to Sun, From Jan to Dec, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. for me, you have always been a headache

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 140 - June 13, 2016
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49) Scientists all over the world are wondering how long a human being can live without brain. Please tell them your right age.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 123 - June 13, 2016
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50) Where r u? U r u not replying? I m worried coz todays paper I read that due 2 thunder a monkey has been severely injured. So if u r safe, SMS me immediately

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 156 - June 13, 2016
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51) One day a monkey looked into mirror & said, "Oh my ugly face, fat nose" and killed himself. Promise me u will not look into mirror, coz I dont wanna loose you!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 173 - June 13, 2016
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52) Have u seen a monkey wrapped in plastic? No??? Quickly see your driving license.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 80 - June 13, 2016
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53) At least you are not obnoxious like so many other people -- you are obnoxious in a different and worse way!

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 107 - June 13, 2016
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54) ku kata ka ka ku ku ke ki ki ka ga ga gi gu kaka ki ki ki ka...Congratulations! U have successfully learnt the monkey’s language. Come to Collect ur banana.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 158 - June 13, 2016
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55) I have lots of jokes in my inbox, But I can't send you all of them, It will take a lot of time, So I'm sending you just 1 joke . . . "You are so beautiful"

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 165 - June 13, 2016
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56) Do u remember the day we travelled in a car? I put my dog out of the window, u put ur face out, then people started shouting 'TWINS TWINS'

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 138 - June 13, 2016
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57) I Iove your smile becoz.. . . . . . . My favorite colour is "YELLOW"!! :D'

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 84 - June 13, 2016
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58) 6 truths of life:- 1. You cannot touch all of your teeth with your tongue. 2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, try it. 3. The first truth is a lie. 4. You're smiling now, because you are an idiot. 5. You soon will forward this to another idiot. 6. There's still a stupid smile on your face.

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 300 - June 13, 2016
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59) You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!! Just a second, don't misunderstand. CUTE means: Creating Useless Troubles Everywhere..

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 138 - June 13, 2016
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60) I just feel u.... Whenever I feel u.... I just miss u ..... Whenever i miss u .... I just wanna See u .... Do u know why....... It's juts because ............ ******I LOVE CARTOONS*******

By Raziul Islam - Copy This
Length: 190 - June 13, 2016
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