Insult Sms
1) I had a very weird dream last night. I saw that all the devils of the world have died! So can u send me an sms indicating, that u r still alive.
Length: 144 - June 13, 2016
2) Teacher : U failure ! At Ur age Bill gates stood first in the class Student : Mind u, Sir, but at Ur age Hitler committed suicide
Length: 129 - June 13, 2016
3) If I was as ugly as you were, I wouldn’t say Hi to folk, I’d say BOO!
Length: 73 - June 13, 2016
4) it is psychologically proved that all the fools & stupids, donkeys, monkeys, use their thumb to read messages. don’t change your finger now its to late !
Length: 159 - June 13, 2016
5) Difference between fate n stupidity: If ur father is poor, then its Ur fate, if Ur father-in-law is poor,its Ur stupidity..!!
Length: 125 - June 13, 2016
6) Qualities a friend must have: Cute as crocodile. Smart as donkey. Active as turtle. Fit as hippo. Matured as monkey. Sincerity like dog. No doubt you are my good friend
Length: 168 - June 13, 2016
7) I like watching you, I like to spend my time with you. But you are always surrounded by others as you are the main attraction of the ZOO!!!
Length: 139 - June 13, 2016
8) I’m at police station. The police caught me & filed a case against me of “POSSESSION OF GOOD LOOKS” . I’m DOOMED, Need some ugly Monkey 2 bail me out , Where r u?
Length: 174 - June 13, 2016
9) Hey! Can you do me a favor, take a pic of yourself and send it to me. I’m Playing cards and I’m missing the JOKER!!!
Length: 120 - June 13, 2016
10) TWO FACTS OF LIFE FACT 1 : U cannot touch Ur lower lip with Ur tongue. FACT 2 : After reading this, 99/100 idiots like u would try it.!!
Length: 136 - June 13, 2016
11) Clouds r white but the sky is blue, monkey like u should b kept in the zoo, don’t get angry you’ll find me there too, not in the cage but laughing at u. ha! ha! ha!
Length: 168 - June 13, 2016
12) I saw U on the road that day U Were Looking so fine Ur Face So Divine Ur Walk So Perfect My Heart Started to Sing a Sweet Song??????. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT
Length: 154 - June 13, 2016
13) A child uses its thumb 2 chew, an illiterate uses his thumb 2 sign, a winner uses his thumb 2 show victory, but a monkey is using his thumb 2 read this sms
Length: 155 - June 13, 2016
14) Hey friend remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no beauty so the world needs YOU after all!
Length: 145 - June 13, 2016
15) boy: how do i play the guitar???? girl: u should be on TV for ur talent :| boy: am i so good??? :D :O girl: if u were on TV,, i can atleast switch it off ;
Length: 156 - June 13, 2016
16) What is the difference between Monkey & Donkey ? Monkey saves this message & Donkey deletes this message. Choice is urs...
Length: 131 - June 13, 2016
17) Twinkle Twinkle little star, You should know what you are, And once you know what you are, Mental hospital is not so far.
Length: 122 - June 13, 2016
18) What? is a difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey? A kiss is so dear,? A car is too dear and A monkey is U dear.
Length: 120 - June 13, 2016
19) SomeOne.. MiSSES U.. NeeDS U.. Worries About U Lonely Without U Guess Who? THE MONKEY IN ... THE ZOO ..
Length: 103 - June 13, 2016
20) U r a nice person... but..U have to do 2 things early in the morning... 1st. pray to God so that u can live.... 2nd.take a bath so that others can live....
Length: 155 - June 13, 2016
21) Two devils came in 2 my dreams. They said, "We want 2 disturb some good person." I suggest them your name. They said, "We cannot disturb our boss."
Length: 167 - June 13, 2016
22) Today is an international day for the mentally disabled . Please send an encouraging sms to a mentally disabled friend, as i have done
Length: 136 - June 13, 2016
23) Boy: "You Are Like A COIN." Girl: "Awwww, Valuable .. ?" Boy: "No, Two Faced"
Length: 109 - June 13, 2016
24) Most people have 5 senses. Some people have 6 senses. But u r blessed with 7 senses. An extra sense is NON SENSE.
Length: 114 - June 13, 2016
25) Beauty Tip: If U Want 2 protect Ur Face From Dust, Mud & Other Such Things Then apply ASIAN PAINTS Exterior Emulsion on ur face 7 yrs guarantee!!
Length: 149 - June 13, 2016
26) B. I. T. C. H. Beautiful Intelligent Talented Cute Horny r u smiling now? *YOU BITCH*
Length: 85 - June 13, 2016
27) Unlike others ur brain is a master piece, It is divided in to 2 parts. Left & Right.. In the left nothing is right & in the right nothig is left.. -)
Length: 157 - June 13, 2016
28) Press Down if u think u r MAD. I cant Believe u Did That! Again? For God Sake! LORD!! Why u Still Doing it? Truth is out now! MENTAL CASE!!
Length: 139 - June 13, 2016
29) Get up all u lazy people and do something 4 the nation. . . Oh sorry, it was u?? U go back to sleep.. That will be better for the nation.
Length: 137 - June 13, 2016
30) Whenever I feel that I Miss U, I close my eyes.. Thn i feel u that u sit beside me. I wont open my eyes.. Bcz of the fear that u may come out thru my tears.
Length: 156 - June 13, 2016