Insult Sms ( Page 2)
31) Hey! Can you do me a favor, take a pic of yourself and send it to me. I’m Playing cards and I’m missing the JOKER!!!
Length: 120 - June 13, 2016
32) what happend 2 ur mobile? i was trying 2 call u but i got this msg:welcome 2 da jungle network,da monkey u r trying 2 call is on tree.plz try later..
Length: 149 - June 13, 2016
33) From Moon to Sun, From Jan to Dec, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. for me, you have always been a headache
Length: 140 - June 13, 2016
34) Thanx 4ur support last year wth ur purchases v hv achieved gud sales pls continue ur kind support -M.D. Kohinoor Condom Small size division
Length: 139 - June 13, 2016
35) Whenever i missU i vl read ur sms Whenever I want to see U , Ijst close my eyes Whenever I want to hear ur voice I throw stones at DOGs.
Length: 136 - June 13, 2016
36) Your network tariff has changed! Call charges are now calculated according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper! Congrats You can make free calls!
Length: 148 - June 13, 2016
37) If some1 asks me wat is humanity, I wud sit next to u, Pull you close to me Put my arms around u and say proudly LOVING ANIMALS Thats humanity)
Length: 143 - June 13, 2016
38) Whenever I feel that I Miss U, I close my eyes.. Thn i feel u that u sit beside me. I wont open my eyes.. Bcz of the fear that u may come out thru my tears.
Length: 156 - June 13, 2016
39) U r a nice person... but..U have to do 2 things early in the morning... 1st. pray to God so that u can live.... 2nd.take a bath so that others can live....
Length: 155 - June 13, 2016
40) Do u remember ur childhood? When u wen 2 a doll shop, stood infront of a doll n askd uncle! How much is that monkey doll shpkper replied that is a mirror my child -)
Length: 165 - June 13, 2016
41) Boy: "You Are Like A COIN." Girl: "Awwww, Valuable .. ?" Boy: "No, Two Faced"
Length: 109 - June 13, 2016
42) Qualities a friend must have: Cute as crocodile. Smart as donkey. Active as turtle. Fit as hippo. Matured as monkey. Sincerity like dog. No doubt you are my good friend
Length: 168 - June 13, 2016
43) Sweet Insults- I Luv you! But ive got bad taste Dats a cute shirt.Wat did u do wit d rest of d table cloth. I wud lik 2 help u out-which way did u cme in?
Length: 154 - June 13, 2016
44) I like watching you, I like to spend my time with you. But you are always surrounded by others as you are the main attraction of the ZOO!!!
Length: 139 - June 13, 2016
45) I Like 3 things: Pizza. Pepsi. & You. Pizza 2 eat. Pepsi 2 drink. & You 2 clean the table.
Length: 98 - June 13, 2016
46) If I was as ugly as you were, I wouldn’t say Hi to folk, I’d say BOO!
Length: 73 - June 13, 2016
47) I’m at police station. The police caught me & filed a case against me of “POSSESSION OF GOOD LOOKS” . I’m DOOMED, Need some ugly Monkey 2 bail me out , Where r u?
Length: 174 - June 13, 2016
48) I had a very weird dream last night. I saw that all the devils of the world have died! So can u send me an sms indicating, that u r still alive.
Length: 144 - June 13, 2016
49) TWO FACTS OF LIFE FACT 1 : U cannot touch Ur lower lip with Ur tongue. FACT 2 : After reading this, 99/100 idiots like u would try it.!!
Length: 136 - June 13, 2016
50) What? is a difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey? A kiss is so dear,? A car is too dear and A monkey is U dear.
Length: 120 - June 13, 2016
51) B. I. T. C. H. Beautiful Intelligent Talented Cute Horny r u smiling now? *YOU BITCH*
Length: 85 - June 13, 2016
52) Most people have 5 senses. Some people have 6 senses. But u r blessed with 7 senses. An extra sense is NON SENSE.
Length: 114 - June 13, 2016
53) it is psychologically proved that all the fools & stupids, donkeys, monkeys, use their thumb to read messages. don’t change your finger now its to late !
Length: 159 - June 13, 2016
54) boy: how do i play the guitar???? girl: u should be on TV for ur talent :| boy: am i so good??? :D :O girl: if u were on TV,, i can atleast switch it off ;
Length: 156 - June 13, 2016
55) I saw U on the road that day U Were Looking so fine Ur Face So Divine Ur Walk So Perfect My Heart Started to Sing a Sweet Song??????. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT
Length: 154 - June 13, 2016
56) A child uses its thumb 2 chew, an illiterate uses his thumb 2 sign, a winner uses his thumb 2 show victory, but a monkey is using his thumb 2 read this sms
Length: 155 - June 13, 2016
57) Unlike others ur brain is a master piece, It is divided in to 2 parts. Left & Right.. In the left nothing is right & in the right nothig is left.. -)
Length: 157 - June 13, 2016
58) Get up all u lazy people and do something 4 the nation. . . Oh sorry, it was u?? U go back to sleep.. That will be better for the nation.
Length: 137 - June 13, 2016
59) Think well, Plan well, Do well, Sleep well, Play well, Laugh well and Throw your mobile also into well, Because you are not Messaging me Well!
Length: 142 - June 13, 2016
60) Two devils came in 2 my dreams. They said, "We want 2 disturb some good person." I suggest them your name. They said, "We cannot disturb our boss."
Length: 167 - June 13, 2016