Bangla Miss You Sms ( Page 2)
31) Ekti manuser ekti mon.. keu apon keu por.. Keu kacher keu durer.. Keuba abar ridoy jure, tomay shudhu mone pore.. Tobu o tumi keno eto dure...?
Length: 143 - April 14, 2016
32) Jonmo hoy 1bar Moron hoy 1bar Valobasha hoy 1bar Mon vange 1bar Jodi sob kichu hoy 1bar, Tobe "AMI" kno miss kori tomay bar bar.. Why....??
Length: 149 - April 14, 2016
33) ami chai na kao amake valobashuk, ami chai kao akjon amar jonno opekha koruk, amar hridoyer doroja jeno vitor theke kao khule dik, miss you.
Length: 140 - April 14, 2016
34) Ami hathat shunlam keu amar kaanekaane Tomar Katha bolche. Taakiyedekhlam keu nei ! Tarpar ami bujhlam ,ota to aamar heart, Bolchhe : I miss u !
Length: 144 - April 14, 2016
35) Tumar du hat jure aj kobita lekha, mahedir moto rong aj sara bela, shopner chowao legese jeno aj chad e, tobu chad tui aj onek dure. Tai tomake mone pore.
Length: 154 - April 14, 2016
36) Jonk jola govir raT.Kota boli cadr saT.Cad k boli cupti kore,jabi 2i JANr gore?Giya 2i bolbi tare.Tar kota kuv mone pore
Length: 120 - April 14, 2016
37) Sagorer buke ache hajar dew, tomay koto miss kori jane na ta kew. Surjo alo dibe joto din, Tomay miss korbo ami toto din. "miss u"
Length: 140 - April 14, 2016
38) Akaser nil Simanay khuji 2my, Rater govir nirjone mone pre 2my. Bristy veja dine kub miss kori 2my. Keno 2mi hariye jaccho dur ojanay?
Length: 134 - April 14, 2016
39) Tip tip bristi oviram jorce, jum jum sobde ki jani bolce. rim jim ridoy ta udas keno hoyece, bristi beja monta tomay sudu bolce<<I MISS YOU>>
Length: 153 - April 14, 2016
40) jokon 2mak kub miss kori, Tokhon oi akasher dike takiye thaki. jani sekane 2mak dekbo na. But ei vebe santona pai j 2jone 1 akasher nicei to achi.
Length: 146 - April 14, 2016
41) Aaj hote onek dure, Ei smritir kothar pore.. Abcha hoe amai jadi abar mone pore, Ekbarti kanti pete sono amr dak, Bujhie bolo samaytake ektu thomke thke. Chilam ami,achi ami,thakbo nako pore.... Tai mone rekho 3ti katha ............. Tomay-- mone--pore
Length: 252 - April 14, 2016
42) aakhbo Mone Tomaay Aami, Jaabo Naako Vule; Kaal Hoy-to Jaabe Tumi, Onno Pothe Chole; Baastob-ta Boro Kothin, Se To Aami Jaani; Vule Jaao Aar Dure Jaao, Raakhbo Mone Aami.
Length: 170 - April 14, 2016
43) Hariye R Jabo Kothay 2mar Kace Achi, Hoyto Dure 2bu Jeno Moner kaca-Kaci. Vule Geci Bolle Ki 2my Vola Jay?Sarakkhon Ei Mon Miss Kre 2my.
Length: 136 - April 14, 2016
44) Tip tip Bristi Oviram jorce"Jum jum shobde ki jani Bolce?"Rimjim Hridoy ta udas keno Hocce?"Bristi veja Monta tumk Vishon Miss korche!
Length: 149 - April 14, 2016
45) Shundor ei darate ese dekheci ami koto ki..nijer hate khoda sajiace ei prithibi..hajaro sistir majhe dekheci ami 1kti mukh.she holo amar maa je ami nia shopne badhe buk...i miss you ma
Length: 184 - April 14, 2016
46) Jonak jole govir rate, Kotha boli chader sathe. Chad k boli cupti kore, jabi 2i JANER gore. Giya 2i bolbi tare, Tar kotha khuv mone pore. ""I MISS YOU""
Length: 172 - April 14, 2016
47) Janalar pase dariye Akaser dike takiye Hat 2ti de bariye. Bristir fota jokhon porbe tor hate. Vebe nis ami esecilam bristr sathe tor kace! Miss u!
Length: 146 - April 14, 2016
48) Ajo ki vabo ami? Ami ajo vhulini tomai, meghe daka chader moto.shopno amar cilo joto. vange6o hridoy nijer hate..kostora tai amar shate. diba ratri korce khela. ..shopnohin jibon hridoy akhon tomai chara,. I MISS YOU.
Length: 217 - April 14, 2016
49) "Dustomi noy really" "Faijlami noy seriously" "Doka noy sotti" "History noy bastob" "Onno kaw k noy" "Sudhu 2mak bolchi" "I MISS YOU"
Length: 203 - April 14, 2016
50) Sisir Veja Vore,Rodela Dupure,Bishonno Sondhay,Akaki Rate.Moner Ojante Jodi Mone pore Amay,Vebe Niyo Ami o Vabci 2tay..!
Length: 120 - April 14, 2016
51) 1ti manuser 1ti mon, kew por kew apon. kew kache kew dure, kew ba abar ridoy jure. Tomay sudu mone pore, keno tumi onek dure.
Length: 125 - April 14, 2016
52) Khup dure haria gele ektu kujhbe ki amy,onak din dekha na hole ak2 vabbe ki amy,ar kono din fire na asle mone rakhbe ki amy.khup miss korci 2may....
Length: 148 - April 14, 2016
53) Nistur 2mi,kmon 2mr mon?kivabe thakte paro vule sarakkon.Mone kiporena akto O amk?2mi ki jano kotota miss kori ami 2mk!!"I Miss U,,"
Length: 142 - April 14, 2016
54) GOLAP dilam na Sukiye jabe bole, SOPNO dilam na venge jabe bole, KOSTO dilam na betha pabe bole, Sudhu dilam 1ta SMS ama_k mone rakbe bole......& I Miss You&
Length: 165 - April 14, 2016
55) I Miss you "Ototuku" You Miss me "Jototuku", I Miss you "Tokhon" You Miss me "Jokhon",JANI na You Miss me "Kotokhon" But I Miss You "Sarakhon"...
Length: 205 - April 14, 2016
56) Kokhono vabini akas á2 nil keno?.Sagor á2 govir keno?FUL ato sundor keno? Sudhu bebechi kaser manus k ato MiSs kori keno????.
Length: 127 - April 14, 2016
57) Jibonta 2mar"Monta amar"Baganta 2mar"Fulta amar"Valobasha 2mar"Ridoy ta amar"Sim ta 2mar"Sms ta amar"Likbo ami porbe"2mi..! I miss"You.!
Length: 186 - April 14, 2016
58) Aj ami onak sukhi,sukhi amar mon je nake dukho debe hariyece se jon,se akhon onak sukhi onno joner boke kinto take korce miss osro bora cokhe ¤ ¤I miss u ¤¤
Length: 160 - April 14, 2016
59) "2mk dekheci roddro vora dine"." 2mk dekheci bristi veja dine"." 2mk dekheci josona vora rate"."ai din gulo gure gure ase r ami 2mk miss kore jacci bare bare". "I MISS YOU JAN"
Length: 226 - April 14, 2016
60) Ridoyer majhe tumi diyco dola tomake kokhono jayki vula. Tai to ami tomay miss kori sokal sondha bela. I miss you......
Length: 119 - April 14, 2016