Eid Mubarak SMS ( Page 3)
61) When my arms cant reach people close to my heart. I always hug them with my prayers. May allahs peace be with you. A very happy eid mubarak 2 U.
Length: 144 - June 10, 2016
62) Have a joyous Bakra Eid with full of sparkling lights. A warm and heartfelt wishes to tell you how much you mean to me. Eid ul Adha Mubarak..
Length: 141 - June 10, 2016
63) Allah's benevolence cannot be counted or accounted for. His munificence and generosity makes us sing paeans to Him. Happy Eid ul Fitr!
Length: 139 - June 10, 2016
64) The moon been sight,its time to celebrate, the end of the fasting in a special way. To friends & family a very happy Eid Mubarak!!
Length: 134 - June 10, 2016
65) Earth can forget rotating, Bird can forget flying, Candle can forget melting, Heart can forget beating but I’ll never forget to wish You “Happy Eid”
Length: 154 - June 10, 2016
66) I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid. May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the globe. Eid Mubarak
Length: 175 - June 10, 2016
67) Before the Golden Sun Rise, let me decorate each of the Rays with Wishes of Success, prosperous and Happiness 4 u and 4 ur Family. Happy Eid Mubarak.
Length: 149 - June 10, 2016
68) Eid Mubarak to all my fellow wobblers who's celebrating eid today!! Hope you all have a good'one!
Length: 107 - June 10, 2016
69) E - Embrace with open heart , I - Inspire with impressive attitude, D - Distribute pleasure to all Eid Mubarak!
Length: 111 - June 10, 2016
70) May the blessings of Allahfill your life with happinessand open all the doors of successnow and always.Eid Mubarak
Length: 114 - June 10, 2016
71) Hope, Love & Laughter; Warmth, Prosperity & Joy; A fragrant bouquet filled with life; You may Enjoy! A very happy Eid - full of wonderful feasts, jubilation and happines!
Length: 178 - June 10, 2016
72) This day is a wishing time, A time for wishing you very special happiness with joy and good cheer, too, Its also time for wishing you lots of happiness that will be filled with all the finest things with your memory EID MUBARAK.
Length: 228 - June 10, 2016
73) Wishing uhappy Eid,soft as silk,white as milk,sweet as honey,full of moneyandbubli as u..
Length: 89 - June 10, 2016
74) May the auspicious occasion of Eid bless you with peace and bring joy to your heart and home. EID Mubarak
Length: 105 - June 10, 2016
75) Wishing each other on Eid, strengthens the bond of love and brotherhood and hugging reflects forgiveness. A very blessed Eid ul Fitr to all of you!
Length: 147 - June 10, 2016
76) May The Blessings Of Allah Fill Your Life With Pleasure And Open All The Doors Of Success Now And Always. Happy Eid Mubarak..!!
Length: 127 - June 10, 2016
77) I am far miles away from you but i still can touch you can feel you can wish you Because i live in your Heart Happy Eid Day..
Length: 125 - June 10, 2016
78) Eid Mubarak to my Family , Friends & All Pakistanis... smile emoticon May Allah bless our Country and this Eid Brings Happiness to all of us
Length: 144 - June 10, 2016
79) There is special day for everyone My special day is when i wish you Eid Mubarak
Length: 79 - June 10, 2016
80) Eid is the time to share the bounties bestowed on you by Allah. May your love, happiness and wealth grow by sharing it with everyone! Happy Eid ul Fitr!
Length: 152 - June 10, 2016
81) This day is for you to revel in joys and merry laughter Gather wishes and blessings like a cluster of flower May you be bestowed with treasures that will delight you beyond measure. Wish you a very happy EID MUBARAK.
Length: 216 - June 10, 2016
82) E: Earnest, I: Introspection to attain, D: Divineness Happy Eid ul Fitr!
Length: 72 - June 10, 2016
83) It Is The Time We Muslims Share Our Love Share Believe Eid Mubarak,.!!
Length: 70 - June 10, 2016
84) Its more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too. For it comes with warm and loving thoughts because it's meant for you.
Length: 132 - June 10, 2016
85) The bunch of *FLOWERS* is being specially delivered to you & Your family. Just to say…. "EID MUBARAK"
Length: 117 - June 10, 2016
86) Some words can be left unsaid, Some feeling can be left unexpressed, But person like u can never be forgotten on this day .. EID MUBARAK
Length: 136 - June 10, 2016
87) Happy EID-Mubarak to all of you A Wonderful One..!! To Help Make Your Eid Friendship And Fun Light Hearted Moments Of Bright, Happy Things Warm,Happy Hours And That This Eid Day Brings
Length: 184 - June 10, 2016
88) Celebrate Your Eid Festive With Your Dear & Near Ones A Very Heartfelt Eid Mubarak To You And Your Loved Ones..!! Happy Eid Mubarak..!!
Length: 139 - June 10, 2016
89) Lonesome without u, Each n every moments. When i am alone I close my eyes n think of u N thoughts of ur love warms Me inside n makes me smile. miss you a lot. eid mubarak.
Length: 171 - June 10, 2016
90) May your Eid.. Be full of coulorfull gifts and joys, ****Eid Mubarak****
Length: 72 - June 10, 2016