This day is a wishing time, A time for wishing you very special happiness with joy and good cheer, too, Its also time for wishing you lots of happiness that will be filled with all the finest things with your memory EID MUBARAK.
- On the day of the clouds of cloudburst, the invitation is on the Eid Day.
Sweet sweet honey invited to come.
If you do not come - take the Eid Mubarak ahead ... "Eid Mubarak" - As you offer your sacrifices,
I wish that Allah showers his divine
blessings and fulfills all your dreams
on Eid and always.
Happy EID - Eid is lovely joy,
Rich in gentle traditions of hearfelt giving ,
joyful living, family gatherings,
loving greeting sent to those, we love and care .
May your Eid be lit with happiness, precious and rare .
Happy Eid !
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