Love Sms ( Page 8)
211) Your shoulder is my favorite place to cry on. Your heart is my favorite place to live in and your arms are my favorite place to fall.
Length: 133 - April 19, 2016
212) Love the one who could forget your past, hope good for your future and accept your present with open heart.
Length: 107 - April 19, 2016
213) If a raindrop would mean ... I love you and you would ask me how much I love you, i... bet you that it would …. rain all day !
Length: 128 - April 19, 2016
Length: 155 - April 19, 2016
215) I just simply say that the only thing I want most from life is true love. True love from YOU.
Length: 93 - April 19, 2016
216) If I had a penny for everytime I thought of you, I'd still miss you, but at least I would be rich enough to come and see you..!!
Length: 133 - April 19, 2016
217) I feel warm, safe, happy and special in your arms. I want to stay near your heart forever.
Length: 90 - April 19, 2016
218) I dreamed of you and in my dream I hugged you, kissed you and said I love you. Would you please allow me to live that dream?
Length: 124 - April 19, 2016
219) There is no reason to love someone, so I love you without any intentions and reasons.
Length: 85 - April 19, 2016
220) If life forced us not to be together, please keep me in your heart I promise to stay there forever!
Length: 99 - April 19, 2016
221) If someone asks me if ur good...i ll say ur not...if they say ur better...i ll say ur not...why shud i say ur good or better if ur 1 of d best i ever had...
Length: 156 - April 19, 2016
222) U'll always be mine, 4 now & 4 ever, U'll always be mine. Pls tell me its true, pls be mine 4 ever, I'll always always love you!
Length: 147 - April 19, 2016
223) It takes 2 to tango, 2 to kiss, 2 to talk & remenisce, so many good things come in 2, & one of those things is me & u!
Length: 130 - April 19, 2016
224) When God open the windows of Heaven he saw me & asked "what is ur wish 2 day?" i said "Lord Take Care of the Dear One who is reading this SMS"!
Length: 167 - April 19, 2016
225) Life ends when you stop dreaming... Hope ends when you stop believing... And love ends when you stop caring... So dream, hope and love... Makes life beautiful..
Length: 160 - April 19, 2016
226) Love is the only healing agent that can heal any kind of pain and makes us feel special again.
Length: 94 - April 19, 2016
227) If I were a tear in your eye I would roll down onto your lips. But if u were a tear in my eye I would never cry as i would be afraid to lose U...!
Length: 146 - April 19, 2016
228) Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams !
Length: 83 - April 19, 2016
229) Y do we close our eyes wen we sleep - wen we dream, wen we kiss? dis is becoz the most precious thing in the world is unseen.
Length: 125 - April 19, 2016
230) When my arms can't reach the people close to my Heart, I hug them always with my Prayers. May Great God frant u what ur heart Desire...
Length: 140 - April 19, 2016
231) I have started loving "U", I know it sounds rediculous but I cant control my feelings for "U". Sometime later I will start loving more alphabets.
Length: 165 - April 19, 2016
232) I wish your heart melt one day just for me. I will pray for you and love you forever.
Length: 85 - April 19, 2016
233) Love 4 a while, U can put many relation in a file, U can make a desert from the nile, But u cant stop my smile, when i see ur name on my mobile.!
Length: 145 - April 19, 2016
234) I have the "I" . I have the "L" . I have the "O" . I have the "V" . I have the "E"..... So please can I have "U" ?
Length: 174 - April 19, 2016
235) I dont care how many Lips u've kissed, how many shoulders u've embraced and how many times u've said I LOVE YOU. All I care is nt to be the first bt to b the Last.
Length: 178 - April 19, 2016
236) I remember that day when I have gone flat. Because you crush me badly.
Length: 70 - April 19, 2016
237) The most beautiful and amazing feeling on earth is love…but the most painful and dreadful feeling is losing that love.
Length: 120 - April 19, 2016
238) There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the park, but nothing is more be beautiful then our two lips meeting in the dark!
Length: 132 - April 19, 2016
239) I hate my Legs that take me away 4om u, I hate my eyes which wont stop luking at u, I hate my heart that beats 4u. Forgive me 4hating myself, bt I just wanna spend my whole life loving u.
Length: 187 - April 19, 2016
240) I don’t just like your appearance, I like your heart because its really pretty. And its enough for me.
Length: 104 - April 19, 2016