Love Sms ( Page 8)
211) Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right and it will live forever.
Length: 136 - April 19, 2016
212) Without love everything is wrong love is life so i love u
Length: 57 - April 19, 2016
213) I m feeling so happy,do u know why?cuz i m lucky,do u know how?cuz God loves me.Do u know how?cuz he gave me a gift.Do u know that?Its u my love...!!!!
Length: 151 - April 19, 2016
214) Time will always fly,but our love will never die.Keep in touch and remember me.
Length: 79 - April 19, 2016
215) 8 Letters, 3 Words, 1 Meaning....I LOVE U.
Length: 42 - April 19, 2016
216) I love 3 things!The sun,the moon and u!The sun for the day,the moon for the night and u forever!
Length: 96 - April 19, 2016
217) If I had a penny for everytime I thought of you, I'd still miss you, but at least I would be rich enough to come and see you..!!
Length: 133 - April 19, 2016
218) If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life
Length: 65 - April 19, 2016
219) If you were a tear I would never dare to cry. I might lose you !
Length: 64 - April 19, 2016
220) If the world was made of paper and the sea of ink, I would write everywhere that I like you!
Length: 92 - April 19, 2016
221) If I would get a rose for every time I think of you, I would spend every day in a rose garden, ... thinking of you
Length: 114 - April 19, 2016
222) If you love someone, put their name in a circle instead of a heart, because hearts can break, but circles go on forever.
Length: 120 - April 19, 2016
223) If someone asks me if ur good...i ll say ur not...if they say ur better...i ll say ur not...why shud i say ur good or better if ur 1 of d best i ever had...
Length: 156 - April 19, 2016
224) If a raindrop would mean ... I love you and you would ask me how much I love you, i... bet you that it would …. rain all day !
Length: 128 - April 19, 2016
225) U must surely be tired. Why, you may ask... Because u have been running through my mind all day.
Length: 96 - April 19, 2016
226) When u feel alone just look at the space between your fingers. Remember, in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with your fingers forever.
Length: 145 - April 19, 2016
227) To Live this life, I need a Heartbeat, To hav a Heartbeat, I need a Heart, To hav a Heart, I need Happiness & to hav Happiness I need You!
Length: 142 - April 19, 2016
228) 1000 words I cud say, 1000 wishes I cud pray, 1000 Miles legs cud walk, 1000 sounds a mouth cud talk, 1000 times I'll b true, 1000 times 2say "I LOVE YOU!"
Length: 170 - April 19, 2016
229) Like the Moon and Twinkling Stars, u r perfect just da way u r. So close ur eyes & wait 4me, then u'll c u r da one for Me!
Length: 132 - April 19, 2016
230) My Heart 2u is Given; Oh! Do give your's 2me, We'll lock them up together; and throw away the Key!
Length: 108 - April 19, 2016
231) If any1 ever asked me vat the statement "Life is Beautiful" meant 2me, I'd just put my arm around ur shoulder hold u close 2me & say "This is It!"
Length: 175 - April 19, 2016
232) You may only be one person to the world, but u may also be the world to one person!
Length: 83 - April 19, 2016
233) I searched through books, and I leafed through cards, for words that I wud convey, what I had in my Heart. But when I sat down to write, all I can write was "I LOVE YOU!"
Length: 180 - April 19, 2016
234) Dont marry the one whom u can live easily, marry the one without whom u cant live easily!
Length: 89 - April 19, 2016
235) Never b afraid 2fall in love, it may hurt a lot, it may give u aches and pains, but if u dont follow ur Heart. In the end u will cry even more for not giving love a chance!
Length: 172 - April 19, 2016
236) Its not the presence of someone that brings meaning to life, but its the way dat sum1 touches ur Heart, which gives life a b'ful meaning!
Length: 142 - April 19, 2016
237) Love is sumthing dat no one can Hate, Love is passion we find in our mate, Love can happen anytime, earlier or late, Love is a Medicine without expiry Date!
Length: 156 - April 19, 2016
238) Im Mature love says:"I Love u b'cos I need U!" Mature Love says:"I Need u, because I Love u!"
Length: 118 - April 19, 2016
239) Last night while thinking of u, my one Tear rolled out. I ask y r u out? Tear replied, there is some1 so b'ful inside, so there is no place for me!
Length: 152 - April 19, 2016
240) If I gav u all da stars 4om da sky dat I've wished 4u on, then I'd bet u wud get every star 4om the Sky!
Length: 114 - April 19, 2016