Love Sms ( Page 5)
121) Roses are red, violets are blue, when I sense the smell of the bathroom, I think of you !
Length: 89 - April 19, 2016
122) When my arms can't reach the people close to my Heart, I hug them always with my Prayers. May Great God frant u what ur heart Desire...
Length: 140 - April 19, 2016
123) Life teaches u to Smile, bt it also teaches u to cry. It may b Ironical bt it is reallity. You cant knw the value of Smile untill u Cry.
Length: 136 - April 19, 2016
124) I hate my Legs that take me away 4om u, I hate my eyes which wont stop luking at u, I hate my heart that beats 4u. Forgive me 4hating myself, bt I just wanna spend my whole life loving u.
Length: 187 - April 19, 2016
Length: 155 - April 19, 2016
126) I dont care how many Lips u've kissed, how many shoulders u've embraced and how many times u've said I LOVE YOU. All I care is nt to be the first bt to b the Last.
Length: 178 - April 19, 2016
127) I have come to know the meaning of life and happiness, just when I met you. I am lucky to have you. I love you.
Length: 111 - April 19, 2016
128) I am the lucky one to have such good friends, great parents and have a sweet and loving admirer like you. Love you.
Length: 115 - April 19, 2016
129) When I thought of you I can feel pain in my heart and smoke of burning dreams. You were my painful past and the lost moment.
Length: 124 - April 19, 2016
130) I feel warm, safe, happy and special in your arms. I want to stay near your heart forever.
Length: 90 - April 19, 2016
131) I dreamed of you and in my dream I hugged you, kissed you and said I love you. Would you please allow me to live that dream?
Length: 124 - April 19, 2016
132) Sky is for You, Land is for Me. Air is for You, Water is for Me. Smile is for You, Happiness is for Me. Love is for You, Friendship is for Me. World is for You, but You are for Me...
Length: 182 - April 19, 2016
133) I dont regret the things I've done and the things I didn't do. For somewhere along the way, I must have done something right cos I ended up with you.
Length: 159 - April 19, 2016
134) Cheerful people are like sunlight, they Shine into the corner of the heart & ofeer bright morning with fresh hopes. Good Morning to one such person.
Length: 152 - April 19, 2016
135) God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth, each day and I just caught one, that is so nice and true and dear its true.
Length: 137 - April 19, 2016
136) I have started loving "U", I know it sounds rediculous but I cant control my feelings for "U". Sometime later I will start loving more alphabets.
Length: 165 - April 19, 2016
137) I don’t just like your appearance, I like your heart because its really pretty. And its enough for me.
Length: 104 - April 19, 2016
138) There is only one sweet heart for me. He is near my heart and in my eyes. He will be remain there till my life ends. He is my best friend, my love.
Length: 147 - April 19, 2016
139) Never run after love, if someone is in love with you truly. You never need to even say something and its yours.
Length: 111 - April 19, 2016
140) My sweet secret of life is you. My true mate, my heart beat, golden moment and my only good luck is you.
Length: 104 - April 19, 2016
141) I just simply say that the only thing I want most from life is true love. True love from YOU.
Length: 93 - April 19, 2016
142) The most precious gift for me is your face with a sweet smile. Because I know you smile when you think of me.
Length: 109 - April 19, 2016
143) You are my dream I see every night. You are first thought I think every morning. You are my happiness I feel every time. You are my most favorite memory I never want to forget.
Length: 176 - April 19, 2016
144) I want to tell you that I will hear all your stories, wipe your tears, take care of your heart and I will love you and live with you all my life.
Length: 145 - April 19, 2016
145) Be in love with me and make my life heaven. You are the only essential part of my life. So don’t even think about leaving me alone. I am nothing without you.
Length: 159 - April 19, 2016
146) Whenever I look up to the sky full of shinning stars, only thought comes to my mind is YOU.
Length: 91 - April 19, 2016
147) The best thing happens to me in my whole life is LOVE. Loving you is my passion and spending my life with you is my dream. Please let my dream come true.
Length: 153 - April 19, 2016
148) I want to remember each and every moment we have spent together. They are like beautiful dreams I ever have.
Length: 108 - April 19, 2016
149) In bad and sad moments, just remember that I LOVE YOU.
Length: 54 - April 19, 2016
150) You are my first thought in morning and last thought before sleep. You are my love in life and after life.
Length: 106 - April 19, 2016