Love Sms ( Page 10)
271) Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was completely out of my control.
Length: 117 - April 19, 2016
272) I 4got to tell u 2day,I 4got yesterday also,& day b4,Bt even if i tel u only,once a week,once a month,Or once a yr,d truth remains dat i lv u & always will!
Length: 164 - April 19, 2016
273) There are 3 steps to happy happiness: 1 you. 2 me. 3 our hearts 4 eternity!
Length: 75 - April 19, 2016
274) Accidents do happen.i slip- i trip- i stumble- i fall & usually i dont care at all.but now i dont know what to do cos i slipped and fell in love with u
Length: 155 - April 19, 2016
275) Golden Facts of Life:- When someone loves U,U dont realise it..When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U..
Length: 162 - April 19, 2016
276) If I were to be anything in this world. I would be ur tears!!! So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!
Length: 159 - April 19, 2016
277) If U say.. Nobody Luvs U! Nobody Fights 4U! Nobody Cares abt U! Nobody evn Misses U! Den I'll chang My name to-"NOBODY".
Length: 135 - April 19, 2016
278) Every normal person has 72 heartbeats, but 4 myself its 73. The extra 1 is your smile. So dont stopyour smile, it will effect my heart.
Length: 135 - April 19, 2016
279) When I Open My Eyes To See The Sun Rise I Think Of You.. When I Hear A Robin Sing...
Length: 84 - April 19, 2016
280) Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.
Length: 62 - April 19, 2016
281) Respect those person who respect yourself... Love those who respect your family... You will be happy forever
Length: 108 - April 19, 2016
282) Today's love has no feelings..... Without,,,.. Money & body.... Where has true love gone...???...Love means Secrifice, Love means care, Love means live together with you forever, Love means wep your loved ones tears, Love means make him or her smile always... But How many people understand & obey it....!!?
Length: 320 - April 19, 2016
283) Love is the most beautiful Things to have Hardest thing to earn and Most painful thing to Lose.....
Length: 99 - April 19, 2016
284) You can never get him/her back to your life,,, Who Doesn't want to Live with you... You will try heart & soul But He/She will always find the reason to avoid you....
Length: 174 - April 19, 2016
285) Faith makes all things possible,, Hope makes all things work,, LOVE makes all things beautiful,, May u have all the 3 ,, As u begin each Day.......
Length: 147 - April 19, 2016