New Year Sms ( Page 2)
31) New Year begins, let us pray, that it will be a year with new Peace, New Happiness, and abundance of new friends,,God bless you through out the new Year.
Length: 153 - June 13, 2016
32) My wishes for you, Great start for Jan,Love for Feb,Peace for march,No worries for AprilFun for May,Joy for June to Nov,Happiness for Dec,Have a lucky and wonderful 2017.
Length: 170 - June 13, 2016
33) Each moment in a day has its own value. Morning brings HOPE, afternoon brings FAITH, Evening brings LOVE, Night brings REST, Hope you will all of them everyday. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Length: 176 - June 13, 2016
34) Like birds, let us, leave behind what we dont need to carry.. GRUDGES SADNESS PAIN FEAR and REGRETS. Life is beautiful,Enjoy it. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Length: 143 - June 13, 2016
35) New Year is the time to unfold new horizons & realize new dreams, to rediscover the strength & faith within u, to rejoice in simple pleasures & gear up 4 a new challenges. Wishin u a truly fulfilling 2017
Length: 216 - June 13, 2016
36) Receive my simple gift of LOVE Wraped with SINCERITY Tied with CARE & Sealed with DUA 2 Keep u HAPPY & SAFE all the life. HAPPY NEW YEAR....
Length: 148 - June 13, 2016
37) I wish a wish for u.the wish i wish for few.the wish i wish for u is that your all wishes come true so keep on wishing as my all wishes are with you. Happy New Year.
Length: 165 - June 13, 2016
38) Whatever happens 2 ur day just relax & manage to make a smile. Life is not a problem 2 b solved but a gift 2 b enjoyed. Make Everyday ur best day! Gud..
Length: 156 - June 13, 2016
39) Before the sun sets in this year, before the memories fade, before the net works get jammed Wish u and ur family Happy Sparkling New Year 1423
Length: 142 - June 13, 2016
40) Let’s pray God to bless us with happiness, courage and wealth in this Bengali New Year. Hearty Pohela Boishakh Greetings.
Length: 123 - June 13, 2016
41) I can’t wait to make my New Year’s resolution. After all, last year’s came true — you’re here with me! Happy New Year honey.
Length: 154 - December 26, 2016
42) despite of the
distance between us
I feel you close to me
’cause of the friendship
you shine into my soul
have a heart filling new year...
Happy Year.. 2017
Length: 171 - December 31, 2016
43) May the gift of friendship
sparkle in your heart
the whole year through
let this magic of closeness
spread among your loved ones
happy new year my friend..
Length: 160 - December 31, 2016
44) As your friend I know
how hard you’ve worked the past year
may all your efforts
turn into great achievements
have a successful new year...
Length: 148 - December 31, 2016
45) You are part of my family, you’re one
of my clan. I hold you in my heart.
Therefore, it is sincere wishes because
this happy new year 2017 begins.
Length: 155 - December 31, 2016
46) I See A Light In The Sky
And Fresh Morning Dew.
The Newness Of This Year
Inspires Me To Wish You.
Happy Things Are About To Knock The Door
So Let Your Smile Welcome Them
Hope This New Year 2017
With Happiness N Prosperity.
Length: 229 - December 31, 2016
47) Wishing you 365 days of rocking fun!
24/7 days smiles N success
24/7 days cheers N laughter
Have amazing fantabulous New Year..
Length: 130 - December 31, 2016
48) Let’s wish each other on cherish smiles this new Year eve
Hope your new year will fresh like new flowers
may this year will be more colorful
And happier..
Length: 163 - December 31, 2016
49) We wish you reluctant
much happiness and blessing
if there are drops in the rain
A happy and healthy 2017.
Length: 109 - December 31, 2016
50) In ‘The Universal Bank of God’…
God stores his blessings & deposited 365 days full of love,
faith & happiness for you…
So, Enjoy spending…
Happy New Year 2017
Length: 204 - December 31, 2016
51) I met love, health, peace & joy,
They needed a permanent place to stay.
I gave them your address
hope they arrived safely ..
“Happy New Year”
Length: 161 - December 31, 2016
52) You see people making new resolution,
People are giving their life another restart..
Here I give you NEW YEAR Wishes !!!
before any other give starts ..
So accept my New Year wishes Messages
Happy New Year 2017 !
Length: 217 - December 31, 2016
53) Lets welcome the year which is fresh
Lets welcome the year which is new,
Lets cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this blissful new year.
Length: 151 - December 31, 2016