Happy Father's Day Sms
1) Wishing my hero the best of life ahead.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 65 - June 18, 2016
2) This wish is just for you, Dad,
on the special day which is just meant for you to me।
Length: 89 - June 18, 2016
3) I have the best memories of my life with my father.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 77 - June 18, 2016
4) Dear Dad, my love for you has no bounds.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 66 - June 18, 2016
5) God`s greatest gift to me is my father.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 65 - June 18, 2016
6) Thank you for always wishing the best for me Dad.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 75 - June 18, 2016
7) To the man who has always stood by me.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 64 - June 18, 2016
8) Wishing the best for the best man in my life.
Happy Father`s Day।
Length: 71 - June 18, 2016
9) It is easier for a father
to have children than
for children to have a real father.
I'm glad to have u dad.
Length: 136 - June 18, 2016
10) It is less demanding for a father to have youngsters,
Than for youngsters to have a true father.
I'm happy to have u father,
Cheerful FATHERS DAY...'
Length: 162 - June 18, 2016
11) Great Msg About Dad :
-A Great Man Who
-Spares His Life
-Hides His Feelings
-Ignores His Happiness
-Accepts The Struggle
So Don’t Hurt Your Lovely Dad
Think About Him !'
Length: 183 - June 18, 2016
12) F is for the Faith that I have on you
A is for the Affection that you treat me with
T is for the Tender touch of yours
H is for the Happiness that you give me
E is for the Endless sacrifice that you make for me
R is for the Rapture that I get in your company.
Wishing you a very happy fathers day :-)
Length: 306 - June 18, 2016
13) When I was a Kid
My Father Always Care of Me
When I Start Walk on my Feet
My Father Celebrate that Day
When I Start My School
On First Day
My Father Go With Me in My Class
My Sweet Father..I Love U!
Length: 207 - June 18, 2016
14) My dear FATHER!
I owe U the debt of life ,
Its infinity, colors, sounds & feelings i experience.
Please accept my gratitude on this very special day,
Although every moment of my life is a gift from you.
Length: 210 - June 18, 2016
15) We never know
the love of our parents
for us
until we have become parents.
Happy Father's Day
Length: 104 - June 18, 2016
16) Every girl may not be a queen to her husband,
But she is always a princess to her father" !!.
Happy fathers day
Length: 118 - June 18, 2016
17) Dad, wishing you a box of happiness
For today, tomorrow and always
With all my love!'
Length: 92 - June 18, 2016
18) I know just the person who needs
"101 Ways to Be a Great Dad".
Don't worry it isn't you!
Happy Father's Day!
Length: 138 - June 18, 2016
19) Love your parents and treat them with loving care... For you will only know their value when you see their empty chair...
Length: 121 - June 13, 2016
20) You've seen me laugh You've seen me cry And always you were there with me I may not have always said it But thanks and I love you Happy Father's Day
Length: 163 - June 13, 2016
21) Pay My Regards To Ur Father Who Is Tolerating Such A Dumb Duffer Child, What A Stamina He Has Got.. I Salute Ur Father:p Happy Father's day
Length: 144 - June 13, 2016
22) Thanks for being there through the tears,laughter and dirty diapers. Happy Father's Day!
Length: 93 - June 13, 2016
23) One father is more than a hundred School masters.
Length: 49 - June 13, 2016
24) Superb Lines 4m a father's diary ever n ever- "my sOn is my sOn till he gets a wife, But my daughter is my daughter til d end Of my life.."
Length: 154 - June 13, 2016
25) Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. Happy Father's Day
Length: 90 - June 13, 2016
26) Some things are just better the way they are like you! Happy Father's Day!
Length: 79 - June 13, 2016
27) Every mother generally hopes that her daughter will snag a better husband than she managed to do... but she's certain that her boy will never get as great a wife as his father did.
Length: 185 - June 13, 2016
28) A Father means so many things.. An understanding heart, A source of strength and support right from the very start. Happy Father's Day
Length: 139 - June 13, 2016
29) You may be out of sight but you're always in my mind. Happy Father's Day
Length: 82 - June 13, 2016
30) The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad!
Length: 59 - June 13, 2016