Good Morning Sms ( Page 3)
61) Thank you for waking me up. A warm good morning, after sweet dreams of last night. wish you a good day with good morning:)
Length: 122 - June 12, 2016
62) No one can go back and make a new beginning, but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending! Hope u'll have a day that starts right and ends Happy! Good Morning!
Length: 173 - June 12, 2016
63) Do not seek to follow the footsteps of wiser. Seek to follow what they sought. Good Morning!
Length: 92 - June 12, 2016
64) The Word ‘Hello means H=How R U? E=Everything all right? L=Like 2 hear 4rm U. L=Love 2 C U soon. O=Obviously, I miss you! Good Morning my freind.
Length: 147 - June 12, 2016
65) We must be: Strong enough to admit our mistakes; Smart enough to correct them; And wise enough to learn from them. Good Morning, Friends!
Length: 137 - June 12, 2016
66) Grass Is Shining With Morning Dew.. Making The Day So Fresh And New.. Hope The Joy Comes Your Way. Best Wishes For The New Day! Good Morning!!
Length: 142 - June 12, 2016
67) I sent angels to your bed to wake you up and I asked them to surround your heart with LOVE, touch your face with a ROSE, kiss your head and wish you a very GOOD MORNING...
Length: 171 - June 12, 2016
68) Give respect to people whether they deserve it or not. Not as a reflection of their character; But as a reflection of your own personality. Good Morning!
Length: 153 - June 12, 2016
69) In life, there're an infinite number of doors. If you're diligent, you'll open some of them. If you're brilliant, you'll open many of them. But if you're vibrant, they'll open for you. Good Morning!
Length: 233 - June 12, 2016
70) People often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else Dey mean smthin but say smthin else So learn d art of sayin nothin in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid Good Morning!
Length: 168 - June 12, 2016
71) Never think of the past it bring you tears... if u think of the future it brings fears.. so live in the present and have fun.... Good Morning.
Length: 142 - June 12, 2016
72) May your worries be light; May your joy be great; And may your cup overflow. Good Morning!
Length: 90 - June 12, 2016
73) Treat everyone with politeness, Even those who are rude to U.....Not bcoz they are not nice,But bcoz u are nice....!!!**Good morning!
Length: 133 - June 12, 2016
74) Each Moment in a day, has its own value-morning brings hope, afternoon brings faith, Evening brings luv, Night brings rest, Wish u find them all today. Good Morning :)
Length: 167 - June 12, 2016
75) We are not very close in distance, We are not very close in miles, But hope my sages can touch your heart and thoughts can bring smiles. Good morning!
Length: 150 - June 12, 2016
76) Hope you wake up feeling like a blank canvas and paint yourself beautiful today. Have a beautiful and blessed morning!
Length: 118 - June 12, 2016
77) A Great thinker was asked, "What is the meaning of Life?" He Replied, "LIFE itself has no meaning, it's an opportunity to create a meaning." Good Morning!
Length: 179 - June 12, 2016
78) There is no royal road to success. However, after success every road becomes royal. Best wishes for those who believe in struggle! Good Morning!
Length: 144 - June 12, 2016
79) Hi,now i am coming to meet u.. in the way of sun light.. i n the way of sweet breeze.. in the way of good wishes.. jus to say good morning.
Length: 139 - June 12, 2016
80) Ther are two eternities that can really break u down,Yesterday & Tomorrow.. One is gone & other does not exist!!!So live today only..Good Morning..
Length: 155 - June 12, 2016
81) Wheen I pray I Don't C God But I Know He Listen When I Sms I Don't C U But I Know U Read My Messages With A smile"Good Morning"
Length: 147 - June 12, 2016
82) The importance of good people in our life is just like the importance of heartbeats. It's not visible but silently supports our life. Good Morning Friends!
Length: 160 - June 12, 2016
83) A Smile Is A Way Of Writing Ur Thoughts On Ur Face Telling Others That They Are Accepted, Like & Appriciated So Heres A Big Smile Just For U Gud Morning
Length: 156 - June 12, 2016
84) We never pay attention to a part of a body unless it pains. Don't let it happen in relationships. Good Morning!
Length: 116 - June 12, 2016
85) ”Open ur‘EYES’ “! So The“SUN”Can RiSE, “FLOWERS”Can BLOSSOM, “BiRDS”Can SiNG, B,Coz All R“WAiTiNG”To See, Ur BEAUTIFUL“SMILE” “Good Morning
Length: 169 - June 12, 2016
86) The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Good Morning!
Length: 83 - June 12, 2016
87) You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on. Good Morning!
Length: 110 - June 12, 2016
88) Choose to be optimistic. Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. Good Morning!
Length: 100 - June 12, 2016
89) Don't forget to thank God for keeping you safe through the night and every time you awaken to see a beautiful new day. Good Morning!
Length: 137 - June 12, 2016
90) Life is not a Sharp Knife to Cut all those Bad Memories, But Life is a Needle to Weave Golden Thread of Sweet Memories. Good Morning!
Length: 133 - June 12, 2016