Good Night Sms ( Page 4)
91) Night is the nice gift so open the gift By closing your eyes you will see the another world waiting for u enjoy the sweet dream... So Good Night.....
Length: 149 - June 12, 2016
92) Angels are there to guide and protect you in what ever you will do tonight . they will take you to a place where your dreams can come true.
Length: 139 - June 12, 2016
93) Just sleep tight and thank ind for the wonderful things , HE has blessed you. be greateful and thank HIM, cox HE will give you more important things.
Length: 149 - June 12, 2016
94) Do not think of me...i m in ur eyes...in ur mind...in ur heart...in ur soul...everywhere...ever if u want me..just close ur eyes and listen i m saying.." i miss u"..Good Night..
Length: 187 - June 12, 2016
95) A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly good night n sweet dreams...
Length: 157 - June 12, 2016
96) Shut Down Your Eyes, Log On Some Memories, DownloadSome Dreams, Save Some Joys, Delete All Your Sorrows.. Have A Nice Sleep
Length: 123 - June 12, 2016
97) One evening i will come 2 ur room lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed I’ll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!
Length: 164 - June 12, 2016
98) Smile is the Best Credit Card. Bcoz it is Accepted World Wide, Auto Reload, Unlimited Usage, No Payment, at all makes every1 Happy. So keep Smiling. Good Night
Length: 159 - June 12, 2016
99) Called You 5 Time But The Line Is Busy, So Please Come Outside. I am Standing Outside Your Home. My Name Is “MOON”. I Just Came To Say -Good Night-
Length: 151 - June 12, 2016
100) As u go 2 bed 2night, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2make sure u r alryt, i'LL ask the dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..
Length: 172 - June 12, 2016
101) A late Night SMS doesn't mean that I am disturbing u.It means uare the last person about whom i am thinking before closing myeyes. Good Night
Length: 146 - June 12, 2016
102) Never blame a day in ur life. Good days give u happiness. Bad days give u experience. Both are essential in life! All are Gods blessings! good night.
Length: 149 - June 12, 2016
103) MOON has come to colour your dreams, STARS to make them musical and my SMS to give you warm and Peaceful Sleep. Gud Nite…Sweet Dreams..!
Length: 138 - June 12, 2016
104) Night is a nice gift, so open the gift by closing ur eyes, u will see the another world waiting for U, enjoy it… with Sweet Dreams
Length: 132 - June 12, 2016
105) "Sleeping 'n Dreaming.." . . . 'n . . . . . . . "In Dream Also Sleeping... GOOD NIGHT 'n SWEET DREAMS..!
Length: 134 - June 12, 2016
106) Saying Good night is not a Formality or Due to free message, It's the art of Saying that I remember you in "My last minute of the Day " Good Night.
Length: 162 - June 12, 2016
107) Whenever you have a DREAM inside your HEART, Never let it go cause DREAMS are the TINY SEEDS, From which BEAUTIFUL TOMORROW GROWS Have a wonderful dream tonight… GOOD NIGHT
Length: 174 - June 12, 2016
108) Can u do something for me? go to the window....look to the sky***can u see the stars? can u count them ? this is how much i miss u and even more !!! (***good night)
Length: 164 - June 12, 2016
109) Starz light stars bright, U r the only star I c tonite, I wish I might be there guarding urdreams tonight Good Night & Sweet dreams
Length: 135 - June 12, 2016
110) Close your eyes and in to sleep for angels are there for you to keep. if there are worries, please dont weep. i am at the other side , just give me a beep.
Length: 155 - June 12, 2016
111) Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow..
Length: 96 - June 12, 2016
112) Looking at the stars so bright . you are always on my mind, looking at the moon, i feel so blue i will hardly stand the night without you. Good Night
Length: 149 - June 12, 2016
113) Dreaming of you makes my night worthwhile, Thinking of you makes me smile, Being with you is the best thing ever, And loving you is what I'll do forever.. Good night
Length: 170 - June 12, 2016
114) The night is silent but i cant sleep. may be because i am waiting for my cell phone to beep. before i dream, what i want is get your message and read.
Length: 150 - June 12, 2016
115) The morning is just a few moments away. Go to sleep and when you wake up, remember me as a friend who is always there for you and never let you down. Good night
Length: 160 - June 12, 2016
116) HEllo Moon, My friend is Going to Sleep. Tell to your Brother sun to raise tomorrow late. Because my friend wants More relax. ****Good Night*****
Length: 145 - June 12, 2016
117) May the angels sprinkle stardust on your pillow to give you dreams so sweet and may ind bless you and make them real.
Length: 117 - June 12, 2016
118) Open the window and see the moon light. . i know you feel sleepy, good bye and good night.
Length: 90 - June 12, 2016
119) If u feel little bored, little sick, little sad, all lost, U know whats wrong? U r suffering from lack of Vitamin ‘ME’ Good Night
Length: 133 - June 12, 2016
120) If only there was no distance between, I would have kissed you goodnight.. Anyways, good night my love
Length: 102 - June 12, 2016