Good Night Sms ( Page 2)
31) Don't let little things get you down. You've got many big reasons to look up to God and say thanks tonight. Tomorrow, it's going to be a great day.
Length: 162 - June 12, 2016
32) When an angel came to me, he asked: "What is your wish for tonight?" I said "Please take care of the person who's reading this message." Goodnight!
Length: 172 - June 12, 2016
33) Begin the day with a light heart. Let all your worries be swept aside at night. Smile a moment and thank God, for every moment He cares for you all the way.
Length: 156 - June 12, 2016
34) A simple good evening becomes a special greeting when someone so dear it is heartily given, because you have to me a wonderful meaning. Take care!
Length: 146 - June 12, 2016
35) Take care! The texts you send me night and day like jewels in my heart they stay...And so to God I always pray the best of blessings be yours each day.
Length: 151 - June 12, 2016
36) Dream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you'll have the sweetest dream tonight... good night!
Length: 154 - June 12, 2016
37) My day may be hectic. My schedule may be tight. But I would never let the day end without saying good night. Sweet dreams!
Length: 122 - June 12, 2016
38) Angels are there to guide and protect you in whatever you'll do. Tonight, they'll take you to a place where your dreams can come true.
Length: 144 - June 12, 2016
39) Close your eyes and go to sleep, for angels are there for you to keep. If there are worries, please don't weep. I'm at the other side, just give me a beep.
Length: 165 - June 12, 2016
40) Just sleep tight and thank God for the wonderful things He has blessed you. Be grateful and thank Him, coz He will give you more important things.
Length: 146 - June 12, 2016
41) I wish that God would hold you tight. I hope that angels would keep you in sight. Now just to make sure you feel all right, I'm gonna blow you a sweet goodnight
Length: 165 - June 12, 2016
42) The night is silent but I can't sleep. Maybe because I am waiting for my cell phone to beep. Before I dream, what I want is get your message and read.
Length: 155 - June 12, 2016
43) I was looking out the windows thinking about the person I care most & the person that came into my mind is U so juz wanna wish u good nite.......
Length: 149 - June 12, 2016
44) Once the moon winks at u tonight, I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight. Hope your day was quite all right & now I bid u a lovely goodnight.
Length: 144 - June 12, 2016
45) They say life ends when you stop dreaming,hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring.So dream,hope and love... Good night!
Length: 148 - June 12, 2016
46) Ur d reason why I hav sleepless nights. Ur d reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It's u dat I'm thinking of when I lay down at night...
Length: 152 - June 12, 2016
47) LOOK...the moon is calling you, SEE...the stars are shining for you, HEAR... my heart saying good night.
Length: 104 - June 12, 2016
48) Wash ur face and wash ur feet, now it's time to fall a sleep.Ur eyes r weak & mouth can't speak so hope this night shall be nice & sweet.. GOOD NIGHT.
Length: 168 - June 12, 2016
49) As u go 2 bed 2night, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2make sure u r alryt, i'LL ask the dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..
Length: 172 - June 12, 2016
50) Tireness draws across the mind making the body fade flexibility and soon windows of soul begin 2 close N enter the dreamland!! Sweet Dreams!
Length: 140 - June 12, 2016
51) Do not think of me...i m in ur eyes...in ur mind...in ur heart...in ur soul...everywhere...ever if u want me..just close ur eyes and listen i m saying.." i miss u"..Good Night..
Length: 187 - June 12, 2016
52) If U want to sleep,,? U can sleep in my heart, If my heart beat disturbs u,don’t worry, I’ll stop it for u, B’coz u r very special for me REALY Gøød ÑiGht.
Length: 164 - June 12, 2016
53) Night is a nice gift, so open the gift by closing ur eyes, u will see the another world waiting for U, enjoy it… with Sweet Dreams
Length: 132 - June 12, 2016
54) Starz light stars bright, U r the only star I c tonite, I wish I might be there guarding urdreams tonight Good Night & Sweet dreams
Length: 135 - June 12, 2016
55) Dream touches your heart & souls, It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality... you'll have the sweetest dreams, tonight.... “GOOD NIGHT”
Length: 162 - June 12, 2016
56) Tiny stars shining brights, It's time for me to say good night.... So, close your eyes & snuggle up tight... i'm wishing you sweet dreams tonight.... “good night”
Length: 180 - June 12, 2016
57) May you sleep & fall from the bed tonights, Then you will remember that you forget to wish me.... “good night”
Length: 118 - June 12, 2016
58) If u feel little bored, little sick, little sad, all lost, U know whats wrong? U r suffering from lack of Vitamin ‘ME’ Good Night
Length: 133 - June 12, 2016
59) One evening i will come 2 ur room lock the door, turn off the lights, join u in bed I’ll come closer 2 u, my lips near ur face And I’ll shout, Have a gr8 night!
Length: 164 - June 12, 2016
60) When my arms cant reach people who r close to my heart, I always hug them with my prayers. May God grant u what ur heart desires n keep u happy. Good Night.
Length: 156 - June 12, 2016