Birthday Sms ( Page 2)
31) Well wisher is not who meets U everyday and talk with U everyday. Wellwisher is one who may or maynot meet U but always think of U & Ur happiness.Happy Birthday..
Length: 166 - June 10, 2016
32) Heart is not a basket for keeping sadness... It is the place for keeping happy things.. Let ur heart be happy always..Enjoy d day! Its ur birthday!!
Length: 148 - June 10, 2016
33) Wishing u a day soft as silk.. White as milk... Sweet as honey&full of money.. May all ur dreams come true... Happy birthday
Length: 128 - June 10, 2016
34) Flying papers, multicolors of balloon, delicated blossom, fantastic people, love & laughter. What it describes? HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Length: 130 - June 10, 2016
35) When u born it was raining, actually it was not raining, it was crying of the sky who lost her more valuable star that was u. Happy birthday to my sweat heart.
Length: 159 - June 10, 2016
36) My 2 eyes,1heart, 7liters of blood, 206 pieces of bones, 460 millions DNAs all are wishing u a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday to xxxxxxx.
Length: 142 - June 10, 2016
37) It is a nice feeling wen u know dat some1 likes u, some1 thinks abt u, some1 needs u. But it feel much better wen u know dat some1 never ever 4gets ur birthday
Length: 159 - June 10, 2016
38) It's a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone need you, but it fells much better when you know that some one never ever forgets your birthday. ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY''
Length: 232 - June 10, 2016
39) A prayer:2 bless ur way a wish:2 lighten ur moments a cheer:2 perfect ur day a text:2 say Happy BIRTH day !
Length: 107 - June 10, 2016
40) For your birthday........i want to wish you a happy happy bday and also want you to know that you are loved by all of your friends.always take care.GOD bless you and ur family. love you!
Length: 186 - June 10, 2016
41) A fantastic question with a meaningful answer What is Birthday? The day u cried and made others happy!!! ((HAPPY BIRTHDAY)
Length: 122 - June 10, 2016
42) Its tha time of Year* for lighting Candles* making wishes and sharing Smiles* with those we Love…¤HAPPY BIRTHDAY¤
Length: 117 - June 10, 2016
43) Extra special wishes for an extra special day, May you have much happiness in every single way. ¤~ HÄPPY~¤ ~¤BIRTHDÄY¤~
Length: 125 - June 10, 2016
44) One day sky was crying. I asked him why are you crying today? He told me i have lost my most beautiful angel. It was the day when you were born HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Length: 159 - June 10, 2016
45) There's No Nixe Time Than Ur B'day For Wishing You Happiness, Love, Joy, Friendship & Allah's Blessings. Whch Is The Best Gift Anyone Could Have.HaPpY b'DaY
Length: 180 - June 10, 2016
46) There'll be flowers, Gifts and fun, as you celebrate your day with everyone, A wish is on your way, To enhance the beauty of the day.HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Length: 152 - June 10, 2016
47) This Is Not Quite A Birthday Card But Rather A Little Note To Wish You A Very Happy Birthday. Have A Great Night And Will Celebrate Again Next Week. Enjoy.
Length: 155 - June 10, 2016
48) Some people like sunday, Some people like monday, However i just like only one day, Its your birthday?Happy Birthday!
Length: 117 - June 10, 2016
49) if kisses were rain id send u showers, if fun was time id send u hours, if u needed a friend id send u me! *Happy Birthday To You Sweetheart*
Length: 141 - June 10, 2016
50) Flying papers, multi colours of balloon, delicated blossom, fantastic people, love and laughter. What it describes? HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Length: 131 - June 10, 2016
51) Let the GOD decorate each GOLDEN RAY OF THE SUN reaching u with wishes of Success, ... ...Happiness and prosperity 4 U, Wish you a super duper Happy Birthday.
Length: 158 - June 10, 2016
52) The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.
Length: 72 - June 10, 2016
53) Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday."HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
Length: 270 - June 10, 2016
54) Step by step the journey goes on, Little by little it may seem so long. Forget about your past, you can't change it, Forget about your future, you cant predict it. Just think about present, you can handle it. Enjoy presents every moment & be happy.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to U....!
Length: 285 - June 10, 2016
55) Your birthday is the perfect day to say I care,because you will remember me when u certainly make it a big affair and when you do hold a party... I bet you will,be the one who would care to make ur special day a costly affair!
Length: 226 - June 10, 2016
56) I'm so blessed 2 have a friend like u this comes with many loving thoughts & warm wishes i send 2o may ur day be filled with laughter on this ur special day & may the finest things in life always come ur way happy birthday
Length: 235 - June 10, 2016
57) Im HERE U r THERE ßut Dont CARE ßcoz FAR or NEAR we can SHARE Happiness & TEAR, Cum HERE Thora or NEAR Sit on CHAIR & listen wid CARE "Happy Birthday Dear".:)
Length: 178 - June 10, 2016
58) In soft gleaming of stars.... may all ur dreams come true, may evry star of every night bring love and joy to you Happy Birthday .......
Length: 136 - June 10, 2016
59) today a day this day. brilliant day. shiny day. cool day. bloomy day. rainy day. oh yar leave it. i just want to say. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Length: 132 - June 10, 2016
60) Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you; but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
Length: 215 - June 10, 2016