Friendship Sms ( Page 2)

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31) Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You can't have too many friends because then you're just not really friends.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 172 - June 10, 2016
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32) If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u r a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my FRIEND u r the BEST !!!!!!!!!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 158 - June 10, 2016
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33) A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 74 - June 10, 2016
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34) FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 131 - June 10, 2016
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35) FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 164 - June 10, 2016
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36) If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest,if u r a Teddy Bear u rthe most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my"FRIEND" u r the"BEST"!!!!!!!!!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 179 - June 10, 2016
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37) Its not an achievement to make 1000's friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 128 - June 10, 2016
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38) In the sky Sun is the best. In the flowers Rose is the best. In the diamonds Kohinoor is the best. In my friends You are the best.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 130 - June 10, 2016
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39) Birth is the start of life; Beauty is the art of life; Mystery, risk & tensions are part of life but friends like U are Heart of life.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 138 - June 10, 2016
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40) As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 146 - June 10, 2016
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41) A friendship is SWEET, when it's New. It's SWEETER, when it's True. But it's SWEETEST, when the friend is like You.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 135 - June 10, 2016
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42) Not every bird can dance, but peacock did that. Not every flower can represent LUV, but Rose did that. Not every Friend can reach up to HEART, but u did.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 153 - June 10, 2016
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43) Science has proved that Sugar melts in water, so please don't walk in rain, otherwise I will lose such a SWEET friend like U.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 130 - June 10, 2016
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44) Weekly one holyday, Monthly one salary day, Yearly one birthday, Lifely one deathday, But my frindship shereing everyday. So all of don't forget your friend!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 162 - June 10, 2016
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45) I may not be the Perfect friend that you are looking for. Not even the Best among them all. But surely I am a friend who will always be there for you.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 150 - June 10, 2016
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46) One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: my life.. You will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 155 - June 10, 2016
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47) Feelings R many but Words R few.. Clouds R dark, But Sky is blue.. Love is a paper, life is a glue Everything is false.. but Friendship s True..!!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 146 - June 10, 2016
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48) Friendship is sweet when it’s new, Sweeter when its true, but sweetest when its u. When God gave friends he tried 2 b fair! When I got u, I got more than my share!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 165 - June 10, 2016
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49) Introduction is possible any time. Love is possible some time. Marriage is possibe 1 time. But a real friend like you is possible once in a life time.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 150 - June 10, 2016
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50) True friendship is a heavenly gift. It is a precious and rare relationship. But it is also a very sensitive relationship.Take care of it.Dont take it so easy.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 158 - June 10, 2016
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51) A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend isprecious a friend is u.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 159 - June 10, 2016
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52) Some friends r worth 2b thrown, some r good 2 keep, some r 2b treasured 4 ever. I think u r the one 2b thrown in the treasure box 2b kept 4 ever.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 145 - June 10, 2016
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53) Never abandon old friends. They are hard 2 replace. Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER. Just like us.. i get BETTER, u get OLDER.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 153 - June 10, 2016
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54) If I could touch the rainbow, then I would have written your name on it to know people how happy I am having a friend like you.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 127 - June 10, 2016
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55) My mind DETECTED, My soul REACTED, My heart ACCEPTED, thousands wer REJECTED, but u wer selected to b my cho....chweet frnd...

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 126 - June 10, 2016
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56) Man is mortal. It is true. One day i will die. But my friendship can't be died it immortal day by day.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 107 - June 10, 2016
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57) Of all the friends I've ever met, Your the one I won't forget, And if I die before you do, I'll go to heaven and wait for you

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 140 - June 10, 2016
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58) Where do u go?i feel so lost.The scar tissue that i wish u saw.good thing u r around.i bury my words in the ground.Now that u r here secure my thoughts.

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 152 - June 10, 2016
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59) Age appears to be best in some things. Old wood best to burn. Old books best to read. Old rice best to eat and old friends best to keep

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 135 - June 10, 2016
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60) My lips want to kiss you my eyes want to see you, My hands want to touch you every part of me wants you, Maybe bcoz. I was made just for you!

By BDup24.Com - Copy This
Length: 141 - June 10, 2016
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