Teletalk users active your inactive sim by recharging 19Tk and GET 2GB internet (3G/2G) totally FREE and also ENJOY lowest call rate ever (onnet-30Paisa/minute, Offnet - 60Paisa/minute)
all subscribers not using their SIMs from 31 January, 2016 can enjoy this offer
offer details/conditions:
• To check your connection is eligible or not, type your teletalk number & send to 112 (free of charge).
• To enjoy the special tariff, customers need to recharge 19Tk for next 30 days
• 2GB free internet validity 7 days
• 2GB free internet can be used for 24 hours
• only 6pm to 11:59pm customers can talk to other operator in 0.75tk/min
• This offer will run until further notice
• 3%SD+ 15% VAT+ 1%SC applicable"