Teletalk 1GB internet 100tk Validity 15 days

Teletalk Offer January 21, 2017 3,633
Teletalk 1GB internet 100tk Validity 15 days

All the Teletalk Prepaid and Postpaid users are now eligible to enjoy Teletalk 1 GB Pack Internet Package at Only 100TK. If you are a Teletalk Customer, You can activate 1 GB Night Pack Offer. Just Read the Offer Detail from the below and Enjoy the offer.

Teletalk 3G 1GB 15Days 100Tk

» Teletalk 1GB internet 100tk offer details :

• Prepaid customer write D19 and send sms to 111 for Activate 1GB@100TK

• Postpaid customer write F19 and send sms to 111 for Activate 1GB@100TK

• Package price 1GB@100TK

• Validity 15 days

• Use time 24 hours

• to check teletalk remaining internet, dial *152# or write 'u' and send SMS to 111.

• customers can buy this pack multiple times

• if customers buy same pack then speed and unused data will be carry forward

• to get auto settings for handset, type SET and send to 738 (free). then save with 1234.