Teletalk (1GB, 2GB & 4GB) 100% Internet Bonus Offer

Teletalk Offer December 22, 2016 2,870
Teletalk (1GB, 2GB & 4GB) 100% Internet Bonus Offer

Teletalk new mb offer 2017, Teletalk bring 100% bonus internet offer on 1GB, 2GB & 3GB data pack. Now you can be a hiro and also browsing internet on hiro speed in any time at anywhere. See below for details...

Teletalk Hero Speed Internet 100% Bonus Offer

» Teletalk Weekly 1GB Internet offer :

- Type D58 and send to 111 for Prepaid user.

- Type F58 and send to 111 for Postpaid user.

- Package price 70 Tk.

- Validity 7 days.

- Bonus validity 3 days.

- Use time 24 hours.

- 3G/2G both mode.

» Teletalk Monthly 1GB Internet Offer :

- Type D31 and send to 111 for Prepaid user.

- Type F21 and send to 111 for Postpaid user.

- Package price 180 Tk.

- Validity 30 days.

- Bonus validity 7 days.

- Use time 24 hours.

- 3G/2G both mode.

» Teletalk Monthly 2GB Internet Offer :

- Type D20 and send to 111 for Prepaid user.

- Type F20 and send to 111 for Postpaid user.

- Package price 270 Tk.

- Validity 30 days.

- Bonus validity 10 days.

- Use time 24 hours.

- 3G/2G both mode.

» Teletalk Monthly 4GB Internet Offer :

- Type D25 and send to 111 for Prepaid user.

- Type F4 and send to 111 for Postpaid user.

- Package price 350 Tk.

- Validity 30 days.

- Bonus validity 10 days.

- Use time 24 hours.

- 3G/2G both mode.

- Dial *152# to check internet data balance.

- or Type 'U' and send SMS to 111 to check data.

- Unused data will carry forward.

- Bonus data will not be carry forward.

- Offer will be run until further notice.

- SD+VAT+SC applicable.

To know more info about Teletalk 100% bonus offer, call 121 or 01550157750.