Here are some Circle tricks:
To see who You are Following:
Type CWHO FOL send to 8880
To see who is Your Follower:
type CWHO FLG send to 8880
for more connect with me (Blackstar)....
Now Lets know the details about ROBI CIRCLE,
Join CIRCLE- Robi's new SMS social network.
Get registered by sending CREG<space><nick name> to 8880 or First dail *140*8880# and REG Your account.
To check how many points you have left: Send CBAL to 8880
To join someone's circle and receive his/her shouts: Send CJOIN <nickname> to 8880
To leave someone's circle (-25Pts) Send CXJOIN <nickname> to 8880
Send CWHO to meet new CIRCLE members CWHO to send 8880 and CWHO <nickname> to 8880 and view their profile.
To poke your friends & leave them a flash msg: (-5Pts). Send CPOKE <nickname> <your message Max 120 word> to 8880 or Send CP <nickname> <your message Max 120 word> to 8880
Send a shout message to all members in your own circle : (-10Pts). Send CSHOUT <your status max 140word> to 8880
To comment on someone's shout: (-10Pts) Send CCOM <nickname> <comment> to 8880
To buy points: Send CPOINTS <150/350> to 8880 Available amts: 150 points = 5TK 350 points = 10TK (50 point bonus/free total 400) eg: Send CPOINTS 350 to 8880
To share your points with a friend: (-10Pts) Send CSHARE <amount of Point> <nickname> to 8880
NB. Miximum 100 Point Per Share.. 5 times a Day..
To invite your friends for using CIRCLE: Send CP <11 DIGIT Robi
number> to 8880
To let others know yr birthday: Send CSET B <ddmmyy> To let others see yr gender: Send CSET G <m/f> To show yr name: Send CSET N <name>
Send CHAT ROOM to start. Invite friends by CHAT INVITE <nickname> For more Send CHAT to 8880
To exit CIRCLE service altogether: Send CSTOP to 8880
Have a good luck.
Thanks for visiting.