Heart is empty without love Mind is empty without wisdom eyes r empty without dreams & life is empty without happyness soooooooo i am coming to ur house To give u all types of happiness success Wish u a happy Ramdan.
- Fasting Is Our Sacrifice It Is the Life of Our Soul Let Us Sacrifice All Our Body Since The Soul Has Arrived As Guest
- May Divine Pour His blessings on you like rain throughout this holy month recite Quran for blessings b caring about your prayers the Merciful will give u more than your heart desires. “Ramdan Mubarak”
- The holy month of Ramadan, For all Muslims has begun. Praising Allah through the day, From dawn to dusk we fast and pray. We pay zakah (charity) for those in need, Trying hard to do good deeds. Wishing you wonderful Ramadan.
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