FRIDAY is (F)ruitful day of the week... (R)epent always... (I)ncrease Imaan... (D)o your best and leave to Allah the rest... (A)lways be thankful to Allah for each blessing... (Y)earn for Jannah, In'sha'Allah... Have a Beautiful Friday! Aameen...
- To live in a world Full of love and peace I am
a Muslim And Allah I praise For all His blessings
My voice I raise... - Namaz is now in your life.You can also join namaz.just go to mosjid and stand with jamat and you will receive jannat from allah..!
- BeSt CoSMAticS..! For LipS iS Truth For Voice
iS PrAyer For EyeS iS HAyAA For HANd iS
ChArity For HeArt iS FeAr Of ALLAH.
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